The Directorate of Medical Education (DME), Tamil Nadu is the counselling authority for Conducting MBBS/ BDS Counselling and Admission Process in 85% Seats in All Government Medical and Dental Colleges and 100% Seats of Self Financing Private Minority and Non-Minority Medical and Dental Colleges of Tamil Nadu (Including CMC Vellore with CMC Vellore Reservation Policy) for NEET UG 2024 Qualified Students.
The authority has started the Tamil Nadu MBBS/ BDS online Registration and application Process form 2024 on (Date not Announced). The Following Official websites to register for Tamil Nadu MBBS 2024 admission are and
The authority has also released the Tamil Nadu MBBS/ BDS prospectus for Government Quota Seats, Management/ NRI Quota Seats which can be downloaded from the above official websites. The last date to fill the application form of Tamil Nadu MBBS/ BDS 2024 is (Date not Announced) and the due date to submission of receipt is (Date not Announced) . The remaining 15% seats in all Government Medical and Dental colleges Counselling and admissions will be done by Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) on the basis of marks obtained in NEET 2024 under All India Quota.
Based on the NEET 2024 marks released by NTA filled in the application form, the authority will release the Tamil Nadu MBBS merit list 2024 containing the names of eligible aspirants, state merit rank, roll number, category and NEET marks scored. Candidates who are shortlisted in the state merit list will be called for Tamil Nadu MBBS/ BDS 2024 counselling conducted in offnline mode by DME, Tamil Nadu. During the seat allotment process, students have to provide their choices of colleges and courses. According to these preferences, state merit rank and availability of seats, the admission to Tamil Nadu MBBS/ BDS 2024 will be alloted.
All NEET Aspirants can avail the information on Tamil Nadu MBBS/ BDS admission 2024 Dates, Online Registration Form, application form, Eigibility, Merit list, Counselling, Fees Structure, Seat Matrix, CutOff and other details from
S.No. | Particular | Dates/Schedule |
1 | Date of Notification | (Date not Announced) |
2 | Date of Commencement of online application | (Date not Announced) |
3 | Last date for online submission of application | (Date not Announced) |
4 | Last date for receipt of filled-in online application | (Date not Announced) |
5 | Address to which the filled-in online application along with enclosures are to be sent | THE SECRETARY, SELECTION COMMITTEE, 162, PERIYAR E.V.R. HIGH ROAD, KILPAUK, CHENNAI – 600 010. |
6 | Tentative date of declaration of Rank list | (Date not Announced) |
7 | Special Category and wards of I.R.T. employees
1st phase of counseling 2nd phase of counselling |
(Date not Announced)
(Date not Announced) (Excluding Sunday) Depends on the schedule of All India Quota counselling |
8 | Mop-up counseling | (If time permits) |
9 | Commencement of courses | (Date not Announced) |
10 | Closure of admission | (Date not Announced) |
11 | Official websites |, |
12 | Helpline Number | 1. 044-28361674
2. 044-29862045 3. 044-28360675 4. 044-28360674 5. 044-28364884 |
Working hours and time : 06.06.2019 to 20.06.2019 (10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M).
Candidates seeking admission to MBBS / BDS Degree Courses in Tamil Nadu Government Medical / Dental Colleges including I.R.T. Medical College, Perundurai, Erode District and Government seats in Self-Financing Medical / Dental Colleges affiliated to the Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University and Rajah Muthiah Medical and Dental Colleges affiliated to Annamalai University, Chidambaram and ESIC Medical College and PGIMSR, K.K.Nagar, Chennai can access the application form from the following official websites.,
Candidates should submit their filled in online application form after uploading the details in the required fields. (Refer Annexure – I). They should send the printout of filled in online application form with necessary enclosures. The cost of application form of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only) should be paid through online payment via. Bank payment portal in the websites or by means of Demand Draft drawn in favour of “The Secretary, Selection Committee, Kilpauk, Chennai-10” payable at Chennai.
Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Caste (Arunthathiyar) / Scheduled Tribe candidates of Tamil Nadu native are exempted from payment of the cost of the application.
The Selection Committee will not in any way be responsible for the delay in receipt or loss in transit of application form despatched by the candidate.
The last date for submission of online application form will be upto 5:00 P.M. on (Date not Announced). Thereafter there is no provision for the candidates to submit their online application form.
Candidates should submit the filled in online application after filling up of the fields. The candidates are instructed to download their filled in online application form and send it along with required enclosures to the following address: The Secretary, Selection Committee, 162, Periyar EVR High Road, Kilpauk, Chennai-600 010.
Incomplete application without necessary enclosures or insufficient particulars or those received after the last date mentioned will be summarily rejected without intimation to the candidates.
Candidates seeking admission under Special Category – Persons with the Benchmark Disabilities should submit a separate Special Category Form I provided in the prospectus and enclose a photo copy of the Medical Certificate issued by the Regional Medical Board – Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital, Chennai, along with the printout of their online application. If the photocopies of the Regional Medical Board Certificate is not enclosed, then the application will be considered under General Category only if he/she fulfill the norms for the General Category.
Candidates seeking admission for MBBS / BDS Degree Courses under Special Category – for Children of Ex-Servicemen shall submit the separate Special Category Form I along with the filled in online application form in the prescribed format available with the Prospectus and should enclose the relevant certificates claiming the Special Category. [The wards of the Ex-servicemen applying in this category will be allotted seats as per the G.O.(D).No.882/H&FW Dept. dated 28.05.2018 – vide Annexure – III (a). If the required photocopies of the certificates under Special Category – Children of Ex-Servicemen are not enclosed, then the application of such candidates shall be considered under General Category only, if he/she fulfill the norms for the General Category.
Candidates seeking admission under Sports Quota shall submit the separate Special Category Form II along with the filled in online application form in the prescribed format available with two sets of photocopies of Sports Certificates and an additional fee of 100/- via Bank payment portal or by means of Demand Draft drawn in favour of “The Secretary, Selection Committee, Kilpauk, Chennai-10” payable at Chennai for Sports Category separately and should enclose the relevant certificates claiming the Sports Category only in person on or before (Date not Announced). If the required photocopies of the sports certificates are not enclosed, then the application of such candidates shall be considered under General Category only, if he / she fulfil the norms for the General Category.
Both the upper limbs, vision and hearing should be normal for all the candidates (including those applying under Persons with Bench Mark Disabilities category).
Photocopy / FAX copy of the filled–in application form will not be accepted.
Special Category rank differs completely from that of the General Category rank.
Special Category candidates cannot claim the same rank in the General Category and vice versa.
The print out of filled in online application form (downloaded hard copy) with necessary enclosures should reach the following address on or before (Date not Announced) at 5.00 P.M.
Instructions in the Prospectus may change based on decisions taken by the Government of Tamil Nadu and will be amended from time to time. Candidates are advised to regularly check the official websites till the end of counselling for any updates.
AGE LIMIT ( As per the NEET UG – 2024 -2025 Bulletin).
Candidates should have completed the age of 17 years at the time of admission or should complete that age on or before 31st December of that year.
Candidates should be a Citizen of India.
Overseas Citizens of India, who are registered under Section 7A of the Citizenship Act, 1955 (Central Act 57 of 1955) are eligible to apply for MBBS/BDS Degree Courses subject to the production of proof of such registration. However, OCI candidates will not be eligible for any kind of reservation and will be treated only as Open Category.
Qualifying Criteria:
The National Testing Agency will prepare an All India Merit List of successful candidates of NEET (UG) – 2024 on the basis of the eligibility criteria provided by the Board of Governors in Supersession of Medical Council of India and Dental Council of India as given in Graduate Medical Education Regulations – 1997 issued under Indian Medical Council Act – 1956 and BDS Course Regulations, 2007 issued under the Dentists Act, 1948. The eligibility criteria are as follows:
Admission to MBBS / BDS Degree Courses shall be based solely on marks obtained in the National Eligibility-Cum-Entrance Test (NEET–UG 2024)
In order to be eligible for admission to MBBS / BDS Courses for a particular academic year, it shall be necessary for a candidate to obtain minimum of marks at 50th percentile in National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test to MBBS / BDS Courses held for the said academic year. However, in respect of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, the minimum marks shall be at 40th percentile. In respect of candidates with Bench Mark Disabilities specified under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, the minimum marks shall be at 45th percentile for unreserved category candidates and 40th percentile for SC/SCA/ST/OBC candidates.
Provided when sufficient number of candidates in the respective categories fail to secure minimum marks as prescribed in National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test held for any academic year for admission to MBBS / BDS Courses, the Government of India in consultation with Board of Governors in Supersession of the Medical Council of India and Dental Council of India may at its discretion lower the minimum marks required for admission to MBBS/BDS Courses for candidates belonging to respective categories and marks so lowered by the Government of India shall be applicable for the said academic year only.
To be eligible for admission to the MBBS / BDS Courses, a candidate must have passed in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Bio-technology and English individually and must have obtained a minimum of 50% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry, Biology / Bio-technology at the Qualifying Examination as mentioned in Graduate Medical Education Regulations-1997 as amended in 2018 and BDS Course Regulations, 2007 and in addition must have come in the merit list of National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test for admission to MBBS / BDS Courses. In respect of the candidates belonging to the SC, ST and OBC category, the marks obtained in Physics, Chemistry, Biology / Bio-technology taken in qualifying examination and competitive examination (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) must be 40% marks instead of 50%. In respect of candidates with Bench Mark Disabilities specified under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, the minimum marks in qualifying examination in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Bio-Technology taken together must be 45% instead of 50% for Unreserved category candidates and 40% for SC / ST / OBC candidates.
Candidates who have passed 10+2 from Open School or as private candidates shall not be eligible to appear for ‘National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test’. Furthermore, study of Biology / Biotechnology as an Additional subject at 10+2 level also shall not be permissible.
The provisoin italics has been subject matter of challenge before the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi, Hon’ble High Court of Allahabad, Lucknow Bench and Hon’ble High Court of Madhya Pradesh at Jabalpur. The provisions of the regulations disqualifying recognised Open School Board candidates and the candidates who have studied Biology / Biotechnology as an additional subject has been struck down.
“The Medical Council of India has preferred Special Leave Petitions before the Hon’ble Supreme Court. Therefore, the candidatures of candidates in the NEET (UG)-2024 who have passed the qualifying examinations i.e. 10+2 from National Institute of Open Schooling or State Open Schools or as private candidates from recognised State Boards; or with Biology / Biotechnology as additional subject shall be allowed but subject to outcome of Special Leave Petitions/Appeals filed by the Medical Council of India”.
Candidates who have passed the H.S.C or its equivalent Government examinations in the Vocational Stream as their elective or specialization and private candidates, who have passed 10 + 2 from Open School are not eligible to apply for the MBBS / BDS Degree Courses.
The selection and admission of candidates of other Universities / Boards will be provisional, subject to the No Objection Certificate given by the Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Guindy, Chennai. In case, No Objection Certificate is not accorded for the admission of the candidate on any ground, the provisional allotment of the candidate for continuance of the course and the admission will be cancelled.
Candidates presently pursuing the MBBS course in Tamil Nadu or in other States of India or other countries in the world are NOT ELIGIBLE to apply for the MBBS Course once again.
Candidates presently pursuing the BDS course in Tamil Nadu or in other States of India or other countries in the world are NOT ELIGIBLE to apply for the BDS Course again.
Candidates should be a Native of Tamil Nadu.
Candidates belonging to Native of Tamil Nadu and having studied from Standard VI to Standard XII in schools of Tamil Nadu need not submit their “Nativity Certificate”. However, such candidates should produce the true copies of their parent’s certificates such as Birth Certificate, Ration Card SSLC / 10th / 12th / Degree / Diploma / Professional course. In case, parents are not literate, then No Graduation Certificate for parents, from the Revenue Authority of competent jurisdiction, to substantiate their parent’s place of birth in Tamil Nadu and also “Parent’s Community Certificate to claim the communal reservation”. If the candidates do not submit the above mentioned certificates, then the candidates will be considered under Open Category only.
Candidates belonging to other States who are residing at Tamil Nadu cannot claim nativity of Tamil Nadu and they will be considered under Open Category.
The other State candidates who are not native of Tamil Nadu and have studied from Standard VI to XII in Tamil Nadu will be considered under Open Category.
Permanent Residence Certificate in lieu of Nativity Certificate will not be accepted.
Candidates who are Native of Tamil Nadu, but studied from VI Standard to XII Standard outside Tamil Nadu either partly or completely in one or more States should produce the true copies of their parent’s certificates such as Birth Certificate, Ration Card, SSLC / 10th / 12th / Degree / Diploma / Professional course. In case, parents are not literate, then No Graduation Certificate for parents, from the Revenue Authority of competent jurisdiction, to substantiate their parent’s place of birth in Tamil Nadu and also “Parent’s Community Certificate to claim the communal reservation”. If the candidates do not submit the above mentioned certificates, then the candidate’s application will be summarily rejected.
Nativity Certificate obtained prior to the last date of receipt of filled in application alone will be accepted and sending the Nativity Certificate separately will not be entertained.
If false Nativity certificate is submitted and at a later date, if it is found out, then the candidate will be expelled from the course and also criminal proceedings will be initiated against the candidate as well as his/her parents as per provision of the law.
The candidates are advised to take a print out of the Prospectus from the official websites and read it carefully, along with the parent / guardian before filling up the online application form for the academic year 2024-2025.
The candidate should log in to any one of the following websites:,
The application forms will be available online from (Date not Announced) from 10:00 A.M. onwards till (Date not Announced) upto 5:00 P.M.
Candidates should submit their filled-in online application form by uploading the details in the required fields. After filling up of the required fields in the online application, candidate should download the filled in application and submit the same along with the required enclosures to the following address:
Request for change in any particulars after submitting the online application form shall not be entertained under any circumstances.
If any original documents are enclosed along with the online application form, it will not be returned, and the Selection Committee is no way responsible for those documents. The candidates are instructed to enclose only photocopies of the following certificates along with the filled in online application form.
The candidate who claim the benefit of a First Graduate should submit their certificate issued by the competent authority to their respective Colleges on securing the admission.
Special Category Form with an additional fee of Rs.100/- via Bank payment portal or by means of Demand Draft drawn in favour of “The Secretary, Selection Committee, Kilpauk, Chennai-10” payable at Chennai with relevant certificates for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities, Eminent Sports Person (in person) and Ex- Servicemen, if applicable.
All the entries in the online application form should be filled by the candidate carefully. The candidate should ensure that all information including the marks in the qualifying examination furnished by him / her in the application and the enclosures are correct. The candidate is informed that after proper scrutiny of his/ her application, the marks furnished by him / her in the application are not correct or any other information is found to be incorrect, then;
Even if the candidate is provisionally selected for the MBBS / BDS admission but found to be failed in +1 examinations, the provisional admission of the candidate stands automatically cancelled.
The candidate and the parents / guardian must ensure his / her eligibility criteria before submitting the online application form. The candidates are instructed to go through the Prospectus carefully and be clear about all the instructions with regard to the submission of the online application form.
The candidate should fill in the complete postal address with the pin code and with valid phone number (Mobile) for future correspondence.
The application form other than the one filled in online mode will not be accepted, under any circumstances.
A candidate should login to any one of the following websites to access application form for MBBS / BDS Courses 2024-2025.,
Candidate should fill the following particulars in the online application form:
Candidate should have scanned images of their latest photograph (size of 10 kb to 50 kb) and signature (size of 4 kb to 20 kb) in JPG/ JPEG format only, for uploading as part of submission of online application.
The candidates should affix their signature in the appropriate box given in the online application form in running hand writing. Placing initials as signature is not acceptable. Writing full name in the box in capital letters would not be accepted as signature and the application form would be rejected.
Method of payment through Debit Card, Credit Card / Net banking :
Processing charges will also be paid by the candidate for online payment of fee through Debit / Credit Card / Net Banking along with applicable taxes by the respective Banks. Details of the same are available on the official websites, and
The candidates must note that after submission of the online application form, it cannot be withdrawn. Claims for refund of cost of application, if any, arised due to double time payment should be substantiated with proper evidence to the Secretary, Selection Committee, Directorate of Medical Education, Kilpauk, Chennai.-10.
S.No | Name of the Community | Issuing Authority |
1 | Scheduled Tribe (ST) | Revenue Divisional Officer of their native place or Sub-Collector of their Districts (except Chennai) or P.A (General) to Collector of Chennai. The Community Certificate card issued by Tahsildars upto 11.11.89 is valid. |
2 | Scheduled Caste (SC) / Scheduled Caste-(Arunthathiyars) (SCA) | Tahsildar of Native Taluk of the Candidate |
3 | Backward Class / Backward Class (Muslim) (BCM) / Most Backward Class /Denotified Communities (MBC & DNC) | Headquarters Deputy Tahsildar / Zonal Deputy Tahsildar / Deputy Tahsildar (Certificates) |
The candidature of ST candidate claimed after submission of application without ST Community Certificate will be treated as Open category.
If a candidate of Tamil Nadu origin obtains Community Certificate from other State, it will be considered under Open Category.
If a candidate submits a false / fabricated Community Certificate, Nativity Certificate or any other Certificate, if it is found at a later point during the course of the study, it will result in expulsion of the candidate from the course and also legal proceedings / criminal action will be initiated against the candidate and their parents as per provision of law.
Rank List of the candidates shall be prepared on the basis of the marks obtained in National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET UG-2024) for MBBS / BDS Degree Courses for the academic year 2024-2025.
The Secretary, Selection Committee will publish the tentative rank list on the official websites:,
The admission shall be made on the basis of National Eligibility – cum – Entrance Test NEET-UG 2024 score for MBBS / BDS Degree Courses for the year 2024-2025 through Single Window system following rule of reservation for the State Quota seats in Government Medical / Dental Colleges and Government Quota seats in Self Financing Private Medical / Dental Colleges,
I.R.T. Medical College, Perundurai, Erode affiliated to The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Rajah Muthiah Medical and Dental College affiliated to Annamalai University, Chidhambaram and ESIC Medical College and PGIMSR, K.K.Nagar, Chennai.
Merely appearing and qualifying in NEET (UG) – 2024 does not confer any right to the candidate for admission to MBBS / BDS Courses. The selection and admission to MBBS / BDS seats in any Medical Institution recognized for MBBS / BDS Courses is subject to fulfilling the admission criteria, eligibility, rank in merit list, medical fitness and such other criteria as may be prescribed by the Government of India, respective State Institutions and Medical / Dental Colleges.
Candidate’s eligibility for MBBS / BDS Courses is purely provisional and is subject to fulfillment of eligibility criteria as prescribed by the Government of Tamil Nadu as applicable.
AR Number (Application Registration Number) will be assigned by the Selection Committee on receipt of the filled-in online application form.
The Government Orders issued and to be issued from time to time pertaining to any of the matters contained in this prospectus should be read as part and parcel of this Prospectus and such terms and conditions in the Government Order are deemed to have been incorporated in this Prospectus.
Counselling schedule will be available in our official websites.
The candidates should pay a non-refundable amount of Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) towards processing fee by means of Demand Draft drawn in favour of “The Secretary, Selection Committee, Kilpauk, Chennai-10” payable at Chennai on the scheduled date of counselling.
The candidates can download the call letter and appear in person with all the original certificates to the venue as per the schedule.
The candidates who have selected the seats in the first phase of counselling after certificate verification should receive the allotment order. Candidates should join the course on or before the date mentioned in the allotment order.
The candidates who have been allotted seats and failed to join the course within the stipulated time are not eligible to attend the subsequent phases of counselling for the academic year 2024-2025. This is applicable for all phases of counselling.
The candidates who have failed to appear in person for the first phase of counselling are deemed to have been opted out from the processes of counselling and that he / she will not be allowed to take part in the subsequent phases of counselling for the academic year 2024-2025.
When a candidate is scheduled to attend the second phase of counselling, then the candidate has to pay the processing fee. The candidates who are waitlisted / allotted need not pay the processing fee.
Re-allotment / allotment for the vacancies arising due to not joining of the candidates allotted under State Quota and the unfilled seats from the All India Quota in Government Medical Colleges and newly created seats will be done on the basis of the rank following rule of reservation.
During the second phase of counselling, candidate will be permitted to opt the course / college as per rank and by following rule of reservation from rank one.
The candidates who have failed to appear in person for the second phase of counselling are deemed to have been opted out from the processes of counselling and he / she will not be allowed to take part in the subsequent phases of counselling for the academic year 2024-2025.
The candidates can download the call letter and attend the counselling.
The candidates who have selected the seats in the second phase of counselling after certificate verification should receive the allotment order. Candidates should join the course on or before the date mentioned in the allotment order.
If a candidate fails to join the College within the stipulated time, he/she will not be permitted to participate in the subsequent phases of counselling.
If time permits, mop-up counselling will be done. Venue for the Counselling will be notified later by the Selection Committee at the appropriate time. Candidates will be permitted to opt the course / college as per rank by following rule of reservation from the rank one subject to the availability of sufficient time before the cut-off date as prescribed by the Medical Council of India / Dental Council of India.
Candidates who have joined / wait-listed from first and second phase of counselling and as per mop-up counselling schedule are eligible to participate in the mop-up counselling.
The candidates who have selected seats in the mop-up counselling should join in the respective colleges. If he / she fails to join in the specified time and date in the respective college, it will be considered as discontinued and the candidate should pay the penalty as per Clause 15(a).
The Selection Committee reserves the right to cancel the allotment order, in case of suppression or misrepresentation of facts and production of falsified / bogus certificates by the candidates.
The Selection Committee will not be responsible for Medical Council of India / Dental Council of India approvals, infrastructure and the rules and regulations of the Self Financing Private Medical / Dental Colleges. Hence, candidates are advised to go through the respective college websites and satisfy themselves before giving their option for selection of seats by the candidate. The Selection Committee shall neither be responsible nor shall entertain any case on the above grounds.
MBBS / BDS Seats in Government / Self Financing Medical / Dental Colleges are subject to routine renewal and approval of the Medical Council of India / Dental Council of India. Therefore, allotment will be made to the Colleges for which Medical Council of India / Dental Council of India / Government of India / Government of Tamil Nadu / The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University permission is available on the date of counselling. Allotment will also be made for the newly sanctioned colleges, if any, within the cut-off date.
Seat matrix for Government Medical and Dental Colleges and Govt. Quota seats in Self Financing Medical / Dental Colleges will be released in the website before counselling and any addition of Colleges / Seats will be displayed at the time of counselling.
Conditions laid down in this Prospectus are also applicable for the candidates who seek admission in Rajah Muthiah Medical and Dental College which are affiliated to the Annamalai University, Chidhambaram, I.R.T. Perundurai Medical College, Erode and ESIC Medical College and PGIMSR, K.K.Nagar, Chennai affiliated to the Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R Medical University, Chennai.
Any existing / new college getting recognition from the Medical Council of India / Dental Council of India will be included at the time of counselling.
The selection will be made based on NEET – UG 2024 score and by Single Window counselling following the rule of reservation by the Government of Tamil Nadu as follows:-
Category | Percentage |
Open Competition | 31% |
Backward Class | 30% |
Most Back ward Class | 20% |
Scheduled Caste | 18% |
Scheduled Tribe | 1% |
Within the 30% reservation for Backward Classes, 3.5% will be provided for Muslims and 16% of seats out of the 18% quota earmarked to Scheduled Caste shall be allocated to the Arunthathiyar Community.
BC, BCM, MBC / DNC, SC, SCA, ST candidates are eligible for selection under Open Competition as per rank in addition to the reservation made for those categories.
Category | College Name |
Category A | Seats in Government Medical Colleges. |
Category B | B1. Rajah Muthiah Medical College, Annamalai University, Chidambaram. |
B2. I.R.T Medical College,Perundurai, Erode. | |
B3. ESIC Medical College and PGIMSR, K.K.Nagar, Chennai. | |
Category C | Government Quota Seats in Self Financing Medical Colleges. |
Category D | Seats in Government Dental College. |
Category E | Government Quota seats in Self Financing Dental Colleges. |
When seats are available in Category A, if he / she opts out for Category A and opting seats in Category B (B1, B2, B3) or Category C, then he / she cannot claim the seat in Category A in subsequent phases of counselling.
When seats are available in Category A and B, if the candidate opts out for Category A and B and opting seat in Category C, he / she cannot claim the seats in Category A and Category B if seats are available in the subsequent phases of counselling.
When seats are available in Category D, if he / she opts for Category E, he / she cannot claim the seats in Category D in the subsequent phases of counselling.
When seats are available in Category E, if he / she opts out, he / she cannot claim the seats in Category E in the subsequent phases of counselling.
If a candidate opt out, he/she must mark as ‘NO’ in the column provided in the counselling form.
If not marked in the counselling form, it will also be considered as ‘NO’.
If seats are not available in a particular category / categories at the time of counselling and candidates are willing to be wait listed in that category / categories of seats they must mark ‘WL’ in the column(s) provided in the counselling form.
If not marked in the counselling form, they will not be considered as waitlisted in that category.
15% of the total seats in each Government Medical Colleges and I.R.T Medical College, Perundurai, Erode and ESIC Medical College and PGIMSR, K.K.Nagar, Chennai and Rajah Muthiah Medical and Dental College, Annamalai University, Chidambaram and Tamil Nadu Government Dental College are reserved for All India Quota.
If MBBS / BDS seats earmarked for All India Quota are unfilled by the Director General of Health Services, New Delhi, then such unfilled seats will be added to the State seats. These unfilled seats will be filled up by the candidates from the rank list.
Tuition fee for the allotted candidates should be paid by means of Demand Draft drawn in favour of “The Secretary, Selection Committee, Directorate of Medical Education, Kilpauk, Chennai-10” payable at Chennai before receiving the allotment order at the venue.
S. No. | Category | Community | Amount of Demand Draft (in Rs.) (Tuition Fee) |
1 | Allotment for Govt. MBBS | OC / BC / BCM / MBC | 13,610/- |
SC / SCA / ST | 9,610/- | ||
2 | Allotment for Govt. BDS | OC / BC / BCM / MBC | 11,610/- |
SC / SCA / ST | 9,610/- | ||
3 | Allotment of Govt. MBBS / BDS (Persons with Bench Mark Disabilities) | OC / BC / BCM / MBC / SC / SCA / ST | 9,610/- (Vide G.O. (Ms.) No.30, Welfare of Differently Abled Persons Department., Dated : 28.06.2010) |
4 | Allotment for Self Financing Colleges MBBS & BDS | OC / BC / BCM / MBC | 25,000/- |
SC / SCA / ST (Whose parents’ annual income is higher than 2.5 lakh | 25,000/- | ||
SC / SCA / ST (Whose parents’ annual income is less than 2.5 lakh | 500/- only (Exempted from Payment of 25000/-) | ||
Scheduled Caste Converted to Christianity (whose Parents’ annual income is higher than 2.00 lakh | 25,000/- | ||
Scheduled Caste Converted to Christianity (whose Parents’ annual income is less than 2.00 lakh | 500/- only (Exempted from Payment of 25000/-) |
Note: In respect of SC / SCA / ST / SC Converted Christian, candidate should produce the Income Certificate of their parents for claiming the fee exemption as mentioned above.
Candidates who have selected Government Colleges : SC / SCA / ST community whose parents’ / guardians’ annual income is less than 2,50,000/- (Rupees Two lakh and fifty thousand only) are exempted from payment of all compulsory, Non-refundable Fee (Enrolment / Registration, Tuition, Games, Union, Library, Magazine, Medical Examination and such other Fee compulsorily payable by the scholar to the Institution or University / Board) and also exempted from all compulsory Non refundable fee fixed by the “Fee Committee”. The Fee, so exempted shall be claimed by the respective Institutions under the Scholarship Programme of the Government of India, as per G.O.(Ms)No.6, Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department, dated 09-01-2012 and G.O.(Ms)No.51, Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department, dated 07-08-2013.
Candidates who have selected Government Colleges : Scheduled Caste converted to Christian Community whose parents’/ guardians’ annual income is less than 2,00,000/- (Rupees Two lakhs only) are exempted from payment of all compulsory, non-refundable.